Some may have noticed that I’ve not been around as much as usual in the last month, I’ve been on 4 weeks (originally meant to be 3) of holidays visiting my family back in Australia. It’d been 2.5 years since I’d last been home and well over a year since I’d had any form of break at all so I decided to disconnect myself as much as possible. I vaguely kept up to date on email replying to the urgent stuff and just deleting most stuff leaving the bits in between to deal with when I got back. So I’m now going through the large stack of outstanding stuff but if you’ve been expecting a response from me now you know why you’ve not had one and if you don’t get a response by the end of the week I suggest you poke me via IRC/Email again to follow me up. I have Fedora 20, Fedora ARM, Fedora in general and $dayjob on my list…. not necessarily in that order! I’m endeavouring to prioritise… we’ll see how that goes!
For those that don’t believe I can disconnect here’s a couple of photos for your viewing pleasure (click for full size) up on the family farm.